
Woodland Hills Acupuncture Wellness Center - Deborah Warshauer, L.Ac. & Michelle VanBenschoten, L.Ac

Whether seeking acupuncture for pain, fertility, pregnancy or post partum issues, or just to balance energy and feel great, finding the perfect match in a practitioner is essential. Complimenting a pregnancy and birth experience with the services of a doula has become a popular and much appreciated adjunct to either hospital, birthing center or home deliveries. Combining acupuncture and doula services creates a life long memorable experience! Acupuncture is the ancient art of treating the whole body in order to achieve balance for optimal health. Many symptoms, diseases and syndromes are treated using acupuncture. Oriental medicine comprises acupuncture, herbal medicines, massage (called Tui Na), nutrition and lifestyle counseling. Many acupuncturists also practice some form of functional medicine using nutritional supplements. Every aspect of a patient’s medical history is examined and many symptoms or complaints are taken into consideration even when it does not make sense to the lay person! Treating the whole body and ALL symptoms leads to an overall healthier body and can stop the disease process from starting. Some patients may experience dramatic results after their first acupuncture treatment with immediate total or partial relief of their ailments. At the same time, other patients might not experience any relief until later on into their treatments. This is a normal part of the process to healing.

23147 Ventura Blvd., Suite 150, Woodland Hills, CA 91364
